Our top tips for pro-longing hair extension life… 

When you get our award-winning hair extensions fitted, you will want to make sure you keep your new locks looking good right? And so it is important to treat your extensions with the respect they truly deserve! Here at TR we have put together our top tips for keeping your hair looking and feeling FRESH.

Top tip number one… brush the hair gently before hopping in the shower and make sure to never brush the extensions when they are wet, as you will cause breakage, and no one wants that, wait till hair is at least 80% dry! Start with the ends and work your way up the root to feel out for any knots and prevent snagging the hair. Also, hold the extension bonds at the root with one hand for support. Keeping your hair tangle-free prevents matting and extends the look and the lifespan of your extensions.

Tip two is all about choosing the right brush which is ESSENTIAL. Nothing too harsh as this will pull out hair that has been expertly fitted. We would recommend the Balmain hair extension brush or other gentle hairbrushes with softer bristles.

Now our tip three is trying to avoid using oil-based hair products on the roots of your hair and just using a touch mid-section down to the ends of hair. No one wants an extension coming loose or escaping especially when out and about…

In at number four is to attend regular maintenance appointments, to ensure your hair extensions look brand new, as over time your micro rings will move further away from your roots. At your maintenance appointment we adjust the micro rings back into their original position. Ta-da!

Ok, now for our final tip, styling tools are great and will make your extensions look seamless BUT keep the styling tool you are using at 185 degrees or under – ghd has this as their automatic setting already. Always use a heat protector when styling also, this will protect hair and give it the TLC it deserves!

Say hello to good hair always!

Love TR X